
Hangar K is more than just a co-working space, it is a tight-knit community, our krowdies. Within Hangar K, entrepreneurs support each other, learn from each other, and achieve their growth ambitions. Our Hangar Krowd is what defines us. 

We proudly present our community of talented startups and established businesses.

Split The Sea

Split The Sea ensures companies successfully implement change. Based on the vision to positively approach every change, they guide you with concrete tools.

Hunt & Hired

Hunt & Hired is the matchmaker between growing companies and ambitious candidates. Passion, persistence and a genuine interest characterises Hunt & Hired.


Lawyers specialized in corporate law, traffic law and family law. They always go for the most efficient approach to your professional and personal challenge.

Sphynx Agency

As a full-service communication agency, Sphynx Agency juggles images and words. This is how they make an irresistible experience out of your brand.


A creative digital studio creating web experiences. Storything creates a digital appearance for growing brands. We think of websites as we think of telling stories.

Designregio Kortrijk

Designregio Kortrijk brings talent together in this UNESCO recognised region to imagine, design and create a better future, together with their network.


Festor is an event management & production studio that creates events with meaning. Creators inspire and connect through the power of unique events and experiences.


Using advanced DNA, blood and lifestyle analyses, BiometrIQ maps your body and offers you personalised advice.

Grounds Up

Grounds Up aims to be the top coffee grounds upcycling company, creating value for diverse industries by repurposing coffee grounds that would otherwise go to waste.


KNUSS wants to bring people together with their ecologically responsible products that heat the user in a well thought-out and innovative way.


CareSquare is the freelance platform for the healthcare sector. They offer a current range of assignments within the sector to the affiliated freelancers, and tackle the administration.

Nyala blue

Nyala blue uses technology to trace, measure, validate, benchmark & valorize the impact of the product journey through the supply chain.

Pino Pets

Pino develops design food & drink bowls that put the health and comfort of your pets first, taking into account the (animal) planet.


Trumpet is the creative medium for companies, brands, and organizations that want to make impactful connections, with imagination, attention to detail, and thoughtful creations.


JobFunders is an innovative career platform based on crowdsourcing and technology to facilitate direct connections between employers and carefully screened candidates.


Fairplace is a webshop for sustainable toys.

Family Card

Belgians love discounts and loyalty cards. FamilyCard continued this concept online: 1 digital savings card that allows you to save a discount at hundreds of webshops.

Eye Blink Twice

Eye Blink Twice plunges players into absurd, captivating experiences with mind-bending gameplay. We  craft dreamy environments full of surprise. Don’t believe your eyes? Blink Twice!


Invisto is an engineering company that develops user interfaces for electronic devices and machines, enhancing user experiences by integrating electronics, software engineering, and UX.


Couvert offers the opportunity to choose quality meat from locally bred animals that are raised in a natural way. Enjoy a delicious piece of meat in a sustainable way.

Salie - food by Mali

Salie is the lunch bar in hangar K. Have a delicious lunch, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with some sweets in the afternoon. The kitchen is healthy, tasty, and occasionally surprising.


At Polydor , they assess investment opportunities by performing fundamental analyses of SMEs and their competitive environment, developing growth strategies and executing them.


DATAWORX helps SME's with marketing, digital communication, digitization and digital transformation. They realize tangible added value, with good results and references.


BYNKER helps company owners and B2B sales professionals to optimise their sales approach through hands-on sales training and strategy sessions.


At ORT, they give talent every opportunity. They support artists in their careers. From simple administrative tasks to thinking up a long-term vision and looking for opportunities.


DynApps is a company with years of experience in guiding organizations through their change processes. The goal: clearly integrated business operations by setting up an ERP system.

DAE Studios

DAE Studios, a spin-off from Howest, focuses on supporting young entrepreneurs in setting up their game businesses through a 12-month acceleration program.


With our modular VR/AR framework, we offer effective solutions in training, simulation and visualization without having to start from scratch.


Creative services by Gen Z. Creatief collectief van Gen Z’ers (of Zoomers) gespecialiseerd in website, social-media marketing, video & grafisch ontwerp – the Zoomers way.


A creative office specialized in media en design driven projects. Oriented to brands, high-end, print and digital.

Play It

Play It's mission is clear: to save lives with games! A game-based learning platform about safety and prevention. It trains employees in a fun, safe and effective way.

MoonMonster Studios

MoonMonster Studios is a game development company specializing in interactive content for XR. PC, mobile and console development is also done within MoonMonster.


StickyTable, founded by two Howest DAE students, is an indie game studio focused on creating engaging games with a single, well-developed mechanic.

We are proud to present to you our three wonderful hubs at Hangar K. Each hub focusses on a different aspect within the guidance of start-ups, scale-ups and connecting established companies. Start@K focusses on student entrepreneurs, <edtech/station> connects EdTech experts, and The Flanders Game Hub is an ecosystem for the gaming sector.

Discover our hubs and how you fit into their network. 

EdTech Station

EdTech Station is the center of expertise in EdTech in Belgium. Belgian corporates, start-ups, researchers, and professionals in the field of educational technology are united. The community brings the members together to exchange experience, connect with each other, and co-create so innovation can thrive.


Start@K guides student entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams. Whether you have a dream or a plan to start a business, you are welcome at Start@K. The organization provides guidance through the diverse support programs offered by partners, inspires through a variety of sessions, and offers personalized expert advice to help students along in their entrepreneurial journey.

Flanders Game Hub

The Flanders Game Hub serves as the launchpad for game companies. As a cutting-edge incubator and accelerator program operating within the thriving Flanders' Game industry, it facilitates collaboration and knowledge exchange among game developers, companies, experts, investors, and partners. The ultimate goal is to foster the growth and success of more gaming companies in Flanders.


Hubs4Growth unites the six most important startup and innovation hubs in Flanders. An ecosystem that helps startups grow and shine, with a focus on innovation and technology. Connecting with Hubs4Growth leads to new contacts, a selection of co-working spaces, and a wide range of services, programs, and events for startup and scale-up founders. Vlaio partners in #sterkondernemen.

Flanders Technology & Innovation

A sparkling universe of innovation and discovery! FTI, or "Flanders Technology & Innovation," is an inspiring social project that believes in progress and wants to create a positive atmosphere. FTI by Hangar K in three words? WOWED BY TECHNOLOGY! FTI by Hangar K will be focusing on entertainment, GameTech, and EdTech.

Hangar K has an ecosystem of partners who contribute to shaping the future of our dynamic co-creation hub. However, they are much more than just collaborators. They serve as allies, providing a network and a trusted sounding board for the companies that call Hangar K home.


Wij connecteren onze industrieel ingenieurs in industrieel ontwerpen, bioprocestechnologie en automatisering met andere ondernemers. Onderzoek en dienstverlening op maat van bedrijven in de domeinen industrieel ontwerpen, voedings- en watertechnologie, industriële machines en productieautomatisering, micro-grids en lokale opslag van energie.

We connect our industrial engineers in industrial design, bioprocess technology and automation with other entrepreneurs. Research and tailor-made services for companies in the fields of industrial design, food and water technology, industrial machines and production automation, micro-grids and local energy storage.

Start it @KBC

Co-creatie betekent samen nieuwe ideeën en visies bedenken maar ook uitvoeren en leiden tot succes. Dat doet Start it reeds met +600 startups en voortaan ook graag met de partners in Hangar K.

Co-creation means coming up with new ideas and visions together, but also implementing them and leading to success. Start it already does this with +600 startups together with the partners in Hangar K.


Anticipating The Future’: Howest-studenten vinden dankzij Hangar K op de eigen campus een ‘launch pad’ tot succesvolle startups in digital emerging markets. Het statuut van student-ondernemer wordt sterk gepromoot binnen de verschillende opleidingen.

Anticipating The Future': Thanks to Hangar K, Howest students find a 'launch path' to successful startups in digital emerging markets on their own campus. The student-entrepreneur status is strongly promoted within the various study programmes.


Liantis biedt ondersteuning aan iedereen die een onderneming heeft en/of personeel in dienst heeft. Dankzij onze geïntegreerde aanpak zijn wij uw vertrouwde partner die u een passende oplossing biedt voor alle mijlpalen in uw carrière als ondernemer: van uw eerste stappen als zakenpersoon tot de werving van personeel, de ontwikkeling van een HR- en welzijnsbeleid en de bescherming tegen risico's tot aan uw pensioen. Wij leveren onze diensten zowel digitaal als op 60 locaties in België. Op deze manier zorgen we ervoor dat ondernemende mensen zich geen zorgen hoeven te maken over de HR-kant van hun organisatie.

Liantis provides support to everyone who owns an enterprise and/or employs people. Thanks to our integrated approach, we will be your trusted partner who will provide you with an adequate solution for all milestones in your career as an entrepreneur.


Granstudio is een toekomstgerichte mobiliteitsontwerpstudio die auto's en andere mobiliteitsoplossingen creëert. Ze combineren een brede kennis van de toekomst in mobiliteit met een diepgaande ervaring in autodesign. Dit stelt hen in staat om toekomstbestendige ideeën te definiëren en uit te werken tot haalbare resultaten.

Granstudio is a mobility research & design studio. They combine a broad understanding of the future of mobility with a deep automotive design experience. This allows them to define future-proof ideas and develop them into feasible outcomes.


BDO is een internationaal opererende adviesorganisatie, met een solide reputatie in financiële dienstverlening en ander gespecialiseerd advies, waaronder Strategy & Organisation, People, Interim Management, Digital en Risk.

BDO is an internationally operating consultancy organization with a solid reputation in financial services and other specialized advice, including Strategy & Organisation, People, Interim Management, Digital and Risk.


Cronos is een innovatief netwerk van bedrijven die zich specialiseren in innovatieve oplossingen van Game technology tot SAP. Dat maakt hen een ideale partner voor het mooie initiatief Hangar K.

Cronos is an innovative network of companies that specialize in innovative solutions from Game technology to SAP. That makes them an ideal partner for the great initiative Hangar K.


Hangar K en Intercommunale Leiedal zijn structurele partners. Intercommunale Leiedal creëert ruimte om te ondernemen voor starters en scale-up bedrijven. Leiedal biedt hen trajectbegeleiding op maat om een geschikte uitvalsbasis te vinden, hetzij in een stadskern of op een bedrijvenpark.

Hangar K and Intercommunale Leiedal are structural partners. Leiedal creates space to do business for starters and scale-up companies and offers them tailor-made guidance to find a suitable operating base, either in a city center or in a business park.


Signpost is de ICT-partner voor het onderwijs. Het biedt oplossingen voor lager, secundair en hoger onderwijs. Hierbij hanteren ze een servicegerichte aanpak waarbij we hardware, software en training combineren.

Signpost is the ICT partner for education. It offers solutions for primary, secondary and higher education. They use a service-oriented approach in which they combine hardware, software and training.


VIVES, de grootste hogeschool van West-Vlaanderen, is sterk in innovatief onderzoek en dienstverlening en daarom helemaal thuis in Hangar K. VIVES ondersteunt ondernemende studenten en docenten via aangepaste trajecten.

VIVES, the largest university of applied sciences in West Flanders, is strong in innovative research and services and is therefore completely at home in Hangar K. VIVES supports enterprising students and teachers through adapted pathways.


Vlaams netwerk van ondernemingen

Voka is the largest entrepreneurial network in Flanders. Together they ensure that entrepreneurship grows and flourishes, for the well-being of everyone.

KUL Campus KULAK Kortrijk

KU Leuven Campus Kulak Kortrijk zet in op studentondernemerschap en op valorisatie van state-of- the-art onderzoek in smart industry, smart education en smart health, en dat in nauwe samenwerking met de lokale industrie, zoals Hangar K.

KU Leuven Campus Kulak Kortrijk focuses on student entrepreneurship and the valorisation of state-of-the-art research in smart industry, smart education and smart health, in close collaboration with the local industry, such as Hangar K.

Stad Kortrijk

West-Vlamingen zijn geboren ondernemers. Kijk maar naar de nieuwe generatie ‘makers’ die elk jaar afstudeert in Kortrijk. Zo ontstond in Kortrijk een uniek ecosysteem dat het lokaal ondernemerschap in de hele regio bevordert in samenwerking met Stad Kortrijk.

West Flemish people are born entrepreneurs. Just look at the new generation of 'creators' who graduate every year in Kortrijk. This created a unique ecosystem in Kortrijk that promotes local entrepreneurship throughout the region in collaboration with the City of Kortrijk.

Besides the krowdies in Hangar K, we are also incredibly proud of our alumni who have moved on to achieve remarkable success. These companies have spread their wings and are making a lasting impact. We take pride in having been a part of their entrepreneurial journey and remain committed to supporting them.

Ariadne Innovation

Ariadne works to understand the needs and challenges of the textile industry and to offer the appropriate digital solutions, with a clear goal to support the industry & facilitate sustainability!

Green Leaf Projects

Green Leaf Projects is not just a store! It is the store par excellence for everything related to cargo bikes. From A to Z we find out what best suits your needs until delivery.

Open Pixel

Create awesome video content that sells, educates and entertains.

Leds React

Ledsreact believes that more efficient and data-oriented training will activate talent in a player and team. They provide trainers with data-driven exercises performed in game-like conditions.


Markland architects, a studio in Kortrijk, is a creative platform that explores the opportunities of their clients, questions them and translates them into a fresh no-nonsense architecture.


Xiwa specializes in professional presentations. Traditional agencies often do not have the specific knowledge to pay sufficient attention to this part of the marketing story. Through a mix of content and design, we provide a clear and concise story. We turn your presentation into an impact story that makes the difference for you as an organization.


They breathe innovation. However, they don’t bring technology just for the sake of technology. They translate innovative ideas into bright outcomes around the world. Seeing beyond the image, they develop visualization and collaboration solutions to help you work together, share insights, and wow audiences.

Sports and More

Sports and more activates your company in sports. Through sports-oriented activations for companies and the academy for entrepreneurs & professionals.


Wisely makes hands-on impact for retail and leisure.


As a young design agency, they are open to new challenges. They bundle their skills so that we can handle a broad spectrum of design & innovation challenges. Whether it concerns prototyping concepts, visualizing existing or new products, designing a product taking into account both design and production process, or fully technical elaboration of a project – they can help.

Finix Projects

Finix is AI powered Recruitment Technology


With myskillcamp you design engaging learning experiences that drive engagement, increase skill acquisition, and encourage knowledge sharing, in either our platform or in yours.


JuuNoo aims to change the construction world to a circular economy. In the first phase, JuuNoo focuses on the development of a wall for co-working spaces and offices.

Rock Recruitment

As a selection and consultancy agency, Rock Recruitment looks for the 'perfect match'. Between the candidate and the job itself, but also between the candidate and the employer. The approach we use for this is in our name.

Get Driven

Get Driven carefully selects drivers who show exemplary driving behavior and exude class. Both for professional and private purposes.


Site and architecture photography, from pit to project.


SportQbic sells, rents, designs and develops Sport Simulators. Most of us know a golf simulator where you hit the ball and the golf course and ball trajectory are projected on a large screen in front of you. A sports simulator goes further: you can also kick football free kicks and penalties, play handball, practice hockey strokes, go hunting and play all kinds of mini games.

Bram Vandromme

Bram Vandromme runs a law firm that specializes in environmental law and administrative law. Bram is a speaker and writer, and is passionately about the future of the legal profession.


With the Staenis grid, Staenis has brought a unique leveling system onto the market with which everyone can place their own screed, insulation screed, leveling granules, etc.,… perfectly flat.


HUNGR provides you with a nutritionally complete food shot in no time so that you can be sure that your breakfast or lunch contains everything you really need.

A complete & natural meal. Anytime, anywhere.

Tractonomy Robotics

Tractonomy Robotics develops autonomous mobile robots for intra-logistics applications and provide strategy consulting and systems development.

Bureau Vijftig

50+ insights - communication and marketing

My Add On

My Add On makes tools for people with and without disabilities. Do you want to easily make your bed or make your crutch, walker or wheelchair fashionable and comfortable?


UNILIN produces laminate floors, composite parquet floors and luxury vinyl floors, in addition to wood-based panels, decorative panels, roof systems and insulation boards.

Pieter Paul

The Pieter Paul platform brings art and culture institutions closer to their target group, art and culture lovers! They help them find their way to all information about art and culture related activities in Belgium and Northern France in a contemporary way via a free online platform.

Moons Management

MoonsManagement offers organizations practice-oriented training to refine, deepen or broaden the communicative and practical management skills of employees.


TPR's mission is to offer spaces where entrepreneurs can develop themselves in an affordable, inspiring and professional environment.


WebSpecialist builds professional responsive websites, webshops, online platforms and online software.


Julia missed an elegantly brewed aperitif at home, on the menu, at parties and social occasions.It was her idea to market a brewed aperitif, with more style, more elegance, and accessible in terms of taste and contains moderate to little alcohol.


Hercull designs business parks for SMEs where they can carry out their work in complete comfort. Hercull builds industrial and flexible units with robust and high-quality materials.

Happy hour consulting

Happy Hour Consulting helps companies with winning, starting, scaling & transforming


TransDirect is an expedition company that coordinates the transports of its customers and distributes them among a network of professional carriers.

Contact us

Nelson Mandelaplein 2 8500 Kortrijk

+32 56 90 55 00

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